WISE Framework

Framework aiming to increase gender parity within the Australian subsea industry
As proposed and accepted by Subsea Energy Australia
26 April 2017


Subsea Energy Australia (SEA) is a not-for-profit industry association. Its aims are to promote Australian subsea capabilities to local, regional and global markets. Over the organisation’s ten-year history, SEA has had a small but strong contingent of female board members and yet the overall participation of women in networking and industry events across the subsea sector remains comparatively low.

The 2015 Committee for Perth report “Filling the Pool” outlines the economic importance and strategic benefits for the retention and progression of professional women in Western Australia. The report highlights that <15% of engineering graduates are female, which translates into an even lower percentage within the subsea industry. At the entry level, participation is estimated to be <10% and at technical leadership levels, participation is even lower. Furthermore, these participation rates are showing a declining trend.

SEA has an important role to play as enablers to increasing gender diversity and parity within the Australian subsea industry. This will be achieved via communication of strategic and economic benefits, providing education on the issues, development of inclusive environments, establishment of meaningful networks and the provision of access to professional development and mentoring opportunities.


SEA undertook a survey in 2016 aimed at understanding the drivers for entry into the subsea industry and to identify barriers to participation.

The survey uncovered the predominant motivation for joining the subsea industry is that is presents interesting, exciting and challenging work. The survey also highlighted consistent themes for women in the workplace. All the participants identified as having experienced discrimination of some kind throughout their career, many referenced the glass ceiling or suggested the effects of unconscious bias. Some had experienced either explicit or passive sexual harassment in the workplace. Women also reported a lack of opportunities for fulfilling and challenging part time work, to enable them to contribute to the industry whilst maintaining a family.

Following this survey and review of the Committee for Perth’s “Filling the Pool” report, SEA established the Women in Subsea Engineering (WISE) Task Group.


The vision for WISE is to achieve gender parity in the engineering field within the subsea industry.


This framework is developed and monitored by the WISE Task Group under the guidance of the SEA Participation Committee, which reports to the SEA Board. Contribution to the WISE Task Group is on an in-kind basis, with the exception of SEA executive and communication officers.


WISE membership is open to any individual, irrespective of gender, who supports the WISE vision. Membership is free via an on-line LINKEDIN Group. WISE membership does not require SEA membership. Members from any location are welcome to join and access free online resources and forums.

The active membership base is currently in Perth, Western Australia. WISE is able to support activities in other locations however; financial funding is accessible only for activities within Australia.

Framework in Brief

This developmental framework recognises the following key requirements to achieving gender parity:

Attracting female engineers into the subsea industry. In Australia, <15% of engineering graduates are female and these graduates are spread across all industries. It is estimated that <10% of engineers within the subsea industry are female. There are therefore, drivers to encourage female high school students to study engineering at university and secondly, to encourage female university engineering students to choose a career pathway within the subsea industry.

Retaining female engineers in the subsea industry. Statistics indicate that participation levels decrease with increasing seniority within organisations. The possible contributors to this are similar to those outlined by the Filling the Pool report and include accessibility to flexible work arrangements, barriers to re-entering the work place following maternity leave, and the like. Activities that support female engineers throughout their career journey would assist with retention.

Developing female engineers in the subsea industry. Professional development and mentoring opportunities will be made available to develop and “upskill” female students and engineers. This improves the individuals’ employment and career advancement opportunities through demonstrating enhanced capabilities. Amongst the challenges that women face are being overlooked for development opportunities, remaining upskilled whilst on maternity leave and gaining the right skills to be “industry ready” when graduating from universities.

Promoting female engineers in the subsea industry. Promoting the achievements of female engineers within the industry provides positive role models that will attract others into the industry. It also “normalises” that females are able to have successful careers in roles that are traditionally perceived as suited to men. Increasing visibility has been shown to have a direct, positive impact on improving diversity,

Framework Strategies

SEA has identified 6 strategies as priority areas. Many of these strategies are inter-related and act to positively contribute to addressing the requirements for achieving gender parity.

1. Research

WISE plans to initiate the first benchmark research study on gender parity within the subsea industry as there is currently, very little available information. The objective of the research will be to establish a benchmark for the Australian industry and to compare it to other regions such as Scandinavia, which has higher participation rates and greater gender parity. The factors that may be investigated include cultural, governmental and organisational.

2. Networking

WISE will create opportunities for individuals to meet, exchange, connect and educate each other; whilst providing access to professional expertise and support. All events shall focus on inclusivity and accessibility (e.g. availability of online resources, family friendly events, etc.). Networking opportunities will be made available to connect female engineering students to professional role models and mentors to attract students into the subsea industry.

Where opportunities exist, collaboration with other industry associations and the wider industry will be explored. WISE will engage with other industry organisations (e.g. Society for Underwater Technology, Women in Engineering WA, Women in Oil and Gas), as well as existing groups within companies (e.g. Women of Woodside, INPEX Women) to explore opportunities to collaborate, share information and optimise resources. Activities will be targeted at increasing the reach of WISE membership and ability to achieve more through collaboration.

3. Mentoring and Leadership Development

WISE will make available mentoring programs as professional development support to individuals with a focus on developing female engineers into leadership roles (technical or managerial), guiding university students into the workforce, and supporting graduate and professional engineers.

Leadership development will be aimed at middle management level female engineers with the potential to be elevated into more senior roles within the industry. This may include mentoring programs, leadership conferences or training programs.

4. Outreach

WISE endeavours to support other industry associations in the promotion of STEM careers, as well as the promotion of STEM careers to primary and secondary school students. WISE is open to working with organisations, schools or universities as opportunities arise and resources are available. The focus of an outreach program to primary and secondary school students will be to provide role models to the next generation of students, demonstrating that females can have successful STEM careers.

5. Skills Development

The subsea sector requires ongoing skill development for existing and new practitioners. WISE will develop and facilitate access to a variety of training and professional development opportunities. Skill development opportunities will focus on both technical and professional skills development. Various formats will be used including:

  • ​On-line resources for individuals and organisations
  • Professional development and training opportunities
  • Development of educational resources for individuals and organisations
  • Online presence and communication.
6. Communication

WISE will also develop communication packages to:

  • Exhibit the available careers within the subsea sector. The package will focus on providing examples of successful career pathways that have been experienced by female engineers.
  • Communicate on methods and strategies to improve gender parity within the industry. The package will focus on providing individuals and organisations with practical solutions for achieving change.
  • Promote the achievements of female engineers to students, the industry and the public.

The communication package includes a WISE website portal (www.subseaenergy.com/WISE) and LinkedIn Group (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/7064273). The communication strategy and online presence will be continually developed over time as it is required.


Accessibility to WISE programs and services is a key focus of the program. The guiding principles are:

  • ​a) WISE membership is free and fully inclusive.
  • b) WISE members can access programs and services at no cost, or at a subsidised rate.
  • c) Events include consideration to maximum accessibility e.g. family friendly events, suitable event times.
  • d) Accessibility to some WISE programs may be limited to female engineers or engineering students.
  • e) Online resources and tools will be used to maximise accessibility to members.


The WISE network will be centrally focussed in Perth, Western Australia where it was established and exists under the governance of Subsea Energy Australia. The WISE network is open to activity in other locations within Australia and internationally; however funding is currently available only to activities in Australia.

Audience Development and Participation

The intention of this framework is to facilitate the development of links with new audiences to ensure that more individuals and organisations understand the challenges, barriers and solutions to achieving gender parity, with a focus on the engineering (and other technical) field; as well as the benefits that can be gained by achieving gender parity. This strategy should encourage and initiate change within individuals and organisations.


WISE aims to grow the profile of female engineers that successfully contribute to economic development of the subsea industry, celebrate this important resource and explore promote strategies and initiatives to capitalise on and develop women’s skills and capabilities as a resource for the benefit of the subsea industry as a whole.

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