Wise Words

Advice for young women thinking about getting into subsea engineering.  Are you a female subsea engineer? You can add your own comments below.

Be yourself and do your best. Don’t try and be one of the boys to fit in, being a woman is something to be proud of and powerful in itself. You will find by being yourself you will fit in just fine as long as you are confident and true to yourself
Do It! Listen to good advice, ignore bad advice and trust yourself to know the difference. Have a relaxed attitude and encourage people to treat you as another employee, not as a special “female” employee. Figure out what you want, know yourself and be comfortable with yourself, and if you want something, then start working toward it. Enjoy the journey, because that process is really what the goal is all about.
I think it is worth pointing out that it is often a field where you need to work with many different types of people, people at many different job levels and is a mostly male environment and women need to be comfortable embracing that.( But most engineering jobs will be in a similar environment ) It is an exciting industry with many technical challenges and opportunity for a wide range of experiences in the office and in the field and plenty of opportunity for domestic and international travel.
If you are interested in it go for it. If you are good at your job and motivated it will be recognised, whatever your gender.
If you think you’ll enjoy the work, join the industry. Don’t let the male-female ratio get in the way. Be a part of changing this ratio.
It’s a really interesting field. I love my job. It has allowed me to work internationally and I work with interesting people.
It’s a great career choice and yes it is a male dominated industry but that should not stop you. As long as you apply yourself, work hard it’s an industry men and women can work in. If you’re not comfortable working in a male dominated industry, don’t do so. Stand up for yourself, be proud to be a woman and work hard, don’t expect or let yourself be treated differently. Don’t use being a woman as an excuse, we are all engineers.
Participate in as much as you can. Ask to go offshore (don’t wait to be asked).
Study hard!

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