Category Archives for Events

Get Wiser Oct 2020: Climate Change with Lana Dzananovic

In the October Get Wiser presentation, Lana Dzananovic broke down the science of climate change for attendees. Discussing everything from how the climate changed before humans existed, why it’s so different now, and why we must act urgently. Lana has worked at Worley for eight years as a mechanical engineer, project engineer, and is currently the Energy Manager in Worley’s sustainability team. Her passion for sustainability lead to an engaging discussion focused on the science and ramifications of climate change.

Lana began the presentation by first explaining that before humans existed, the environment had already seen several changes due to natural phenomenon. This being the Milankovitch cycles. What are they you might ask? Well as Lana explained they are cycles that affect the amount of sunlight that Earth absorbs from the sun. However, these cycles are not to blame for our current climate crisis because Milankovitch cycles operate on long time scales. They range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. Earth is currently in an interglacial period. If there were no human influences on climate, the Milankovitch cycles say we should be getting cooler.

So what is to blame?

Well according to Lana it is a variety of factors, the main one, unsurprisingly being humans. We can see the effects of human evolution throughout the natural landscape, an example of this lies in ice cores. In the most remote regions of the world, these cores of ice contain CO2 bands, each band indicating CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Unsurprisingly the level of CO2 in these cores rises at an alarming rate from the period of the industrial revolution. With the Industrial Revolution came the burning of fossil fuels, the emission of greenhouse gasses, and alarmingly deforestation which leads to the Earth absorbing less carbon. Ultimately this has led to the Earth’s temperature rising by 1°C since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. This rise in temperature may seem small, but the effects of climate change directly lead to heatwaves, droughts, heavy rainfall/floods which negatively impact humans and animals instantly. Longer-term negative effects lie in our ocean due to it absorbing much of this increased heat leading to, ocean acidification, thinner shells for shellfish, coral bleaching & mass coral death, increased migration of marine species, disrupting ecosystems.

So, what can we do?

As we need to limit global warming to 1.5°C before it’s too late to turn back. We can achieve this by decarbonising our energy system, grow our food sustainably (or use our purchasing power to support sustainable agriculture), decarbonise the industrial sector and decarbonise our transportation. The changes can start small, it doesn’t have to be perfect, but they need to be made for our future.

Get Wiser Sep 2020: Emotional Intelligence with Ali Local

Our first Get Wiser held since COVID-19 hit was a great success.

Presented by Ali Local, this presentation covered emotional intelligence and its growing importance in the workplace. Key topics of discussion included the four areas that make up emotional intelligence and how you can improve your emotional intelligence to ensure you remain competitive in the job market. As well as the many varied ways in which emotional intelligence can be measured professionally and personally.

With emotional intelligence being recognised by the World Economic Forum in the Future of Jobs Report as a valuable skill that has seen an outsized increase in demand relative to its current prominence. Ali went on to explain the role that emotional intelligence plays as an indicator of leadership capability. The session also challenged attendees’ perceptions as they were asked to identify how many universal basic emotions we can identify, with only one person in the room guessing correctly at eight. Ali also talked through the importance of skilful versus unskilful perception of other people’s emotions, prompting attendees to critically analyse how they would respond in certain situations.

Filled with thought-provoking discussion, interactive quizzes, and plenty of tools added to the emotional toolkit, the first Get Wiser event of the financial year was a great success. Ali broke down emotional intelligence and its importance for both teams and individuals, and the WISE committee pulled together a successful morning. The next Get Wiser lunch will take place on Wednesday, October 28th with guest speaker Lana Dzananovic for a technical session.

Get Wiser Feb 2020: Hyperbaric Welding of CRA Clad/Lined Pipelines

Sophie Yin receiving the Wise Recognition Certificate from the Committee Member Celine Lanoelle.
Sophie Yin receiving the Wise Recognition Certificate from the Committee Member Celine Lanoelle.

We had our first Get Wiser event of the year kicking off with a well-attended technical presentation from Sophie Yin on hyperbaric welding of CRA clad/lined pipelines. She showed us the journey of Woodside Energy‘s hyperbaric welding trials on CRA pipe coupons and the unique challenges that this brings compared to the more established hyperbaric welding of carbon steel pipe. Some considerations include gas composition within the hyperbaric habitat and the need for additional equipment within a congested space. Sophie’s work showed that this pipeline repair technique is feasible and forms important groundwork for future qualification.

Thanks Sophie!

Venue kindly provided by Wood.

Get WISER November: Challenging the Status Quo

Spool Connection Assembly (SCA)

Wenwen Shen presented on an Innovative Spool Connection Assembly concept, introducing the opportunity to avoid long single spools, and thereby minimising risks and cost associated with heavy lifts. A couple of concepts were considered, including pre-installed foundation with subsequent tie in, as well as integrated foundation with subsequent laydown. In the shallow water case study presented, the former option was adopted as it offered more stability and higher reliability in the wave dominated loading environment. Various guide options were also considered to facilitate tie-in operation as well as to optimise the interface loads at the connection structure. A good understanding of the relevant industry codes and standards allowed to adjust and relax the stability design requirements of low consequence foundation structures which serve as installation aids for this particular project application.

Subsea Equipment Australian Reliability (SEAR) Joint Industry Project (JIP)

Adriana Botto gave an overview and update of the ongoing SEAR JIP. Adriana highlighted the challenges associated with subsea equipment that is failing prematurely in Australia waters that sparked the JIP initiative in 2014. Now delivering phase 6, the JIP primarily focused on marine fouling intervention and umbilical challenges. SCMs and EFLs were presented as some of the equipment most prone to failure, most often significantly earlier than their intended design life. Living laboratories in the form of material samples attached to subsea structures have been deployed to identify game changing technologies that will enable better performing material options. Next, the focus will be on umbilicals and the issues associated with unwanted gas in umbilicals, which is exacerbated in the warm waters in Northern Australian. The long-term effects of gas presence on performance is poorly understood and will be investigated by the JIP. Results of the SEAR JIP will be communicated through an industry best practice guideline intended to reduce operating cost for existing and future projects, while identifying solutions that are uniquely suited to Australian Waters.

Get Wiser October: Be Your Own Ally – Self Care and Emotional Resilience

“How to be your own ally: Self-care and emotional resilience” was the topic of discussion in the October Get Wiser by Elise Duncan, a Clinical Psychologist and hosted by Chevron Australia.

Elise said that mental health issues often arise from pushing too hard for too long or having unrealistic expectations of oneself. She talked about the different information processed in three levels of the brain (Thinking Brain, Emotion Brain and Survival Brain) and what happens when we become tressed. She highlighted the importance of recognising whether ones nervous system activation is too high (hyper-arousal), too low (hypo- arousal) or in the optimal zone (Window of tolerance).

Even when not under threat, our minds wander to negative thoughts because of the brain’s Default Mode Network which focuses on the negative as a means of protection. We build expectations based on past experiences. Although these “Mental shortcuts” save energy, they can be unhelpful if left unchecked.

Including frequent mindful breaks in your day, consciously taking in the good, and bringing conscious awareness to things you do on autopilot can help tame the mind. Understanding the mind and body are not out to get you can help you decide when to be guided by their signals and when to just let them pass.

In this photo Elise Duncan receiving a recognition for her contribution to GET WISER.

Get WISER September: Flow Assurance Revealed by Jeannie Wong (Woodside)

Another full-house and successful Get WISER Tech was held in September. Jeannie Wong from Woodside gave us a very comprehensive overview of the flow assurance world.

Jeannie covered the asset’s life from design to operation, and showed the importance of flow assurance considerations throughout the life of the field.

Many interesting topics were addressed including line sizing considerations, the importance of using detailed bathymetry data and the transient nature of multiphase flow, just to name a few.She also pointed out the various strategies (avoid, manage, ignore) to deal with wax, scale and hydrate formation.

The number of questions at the end of the presentation showed the level of engagement and interest from the attendees, a true testimony of the quality of this session.

Starting the Conversation

On March  25th of 2017, 52 subsea industry professionals gathered at CORE Innovation Hub to participate in a conversation led by allied health professionals, Amy Douglas-Martens and Martin Mains.

The discussion unpacked some of the barriers to inclusion and ways to support women working in the subsea sector.  We are pleased to release the video of the event to you below.

A huge thank you to our videographer and sound engineer Chris Selman of Glass Bottom Films. Who has done  a magnificent job resurrecting the audio feed when the microphone failed.

If you have thoughts and ideas about anything discussed please feel free to comment​ below or jump over to LinkedIn and join our WISE Group - let's keep the conversation going!

You may prefer to watch in widescreen directly on Vimeo

The Business Performance Program 1-Day Workshop

Join Christine Brown, Potential Unlocked & Julissa Shrewsbury, New Work Consulting to discover how we uncover the unique value of your people, align this with business systems and processes, and develop a strategy to enhance and communicate that value

  • Wednesday 17th May, 2017 
  • All day
  • Cliftons Perth
About the program
  • How to develop your company culture and values in real, meaningful ways that create cohesion, clarity and customer loyalty
  • How to assess the effectiveness of your company brand and identify points for improvementHow to understand your team’s unique dynamic, to take advantage of your strengths and differences
  • How to set up a mentoring program to increase the effectiveness of your team and help individuals achieve KPIs
  • How the online and in-person image each team member projects either helps or hinders their professional goals and ultimately, the goals of the business
  • Why your people are your real point of difference, and how to develop and communicate personal brands to stand out from the competition
  • How to use LinkedIn strategically and time-efficiently to promote your brand and attract business
  • How to develop a business framework for strong systems and processes, minimising inefficiencies and waste

Learn more on New Work Consulting's website

Information for WISE Applicants

 Number of places: 1

​Opportunity for: 15+ years of experience.

Please read the Terms & Conditions before applying.

Applications close: 10-May-2017

Wed-17-May, Cliftons Perth, WA  | All Day

GET WISER with Dr. Jenny Brockis

Join us for the first of our lunchtime seminars.
BYO lunch, attendance is free.

In today’s Wise Lunch Presentation, Dr. Jenny Brockis will enlighten us how to overcome the challenges we face in juggling life and work commitments based on practical neuroscience. We will learn why we think and behave the way we do and understand how we can create more productive, enduring and positive behavioural change. Jenny will show us how we boost mental performance through better thinking, learning and remembering what matters and how to build better brain health and elevating your performance through the understanding of what it takes to create a brain friendly high performance workplace culture.

Are you ready to take your thinking to the next level and enjoy a more balanced and fulfilled life?

Thu. 27 April 2017
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm AWST
CORE Innovation Hub
121 St Georges Terrace
Perth, WA 6000

This event is for WISE Members only, however, joining WISE is free and easy! Just join our LinkedIn Group and you are in!  Sign up now.

About our presenter

Jenny Brockis is an educator, mentor, author and award-winning speaker. She seeks to inspire greater performance by simplifying the complexity of brain science into practical applications that are relevant to everyday life. She is a qualified medical practitioner and has recently completed a post graduate certificate in the Neuroscience of Leadership. As a Medical Practitioner, healthy brain advocate and future mind planner she has long been fascinated by the brain and human behaviour.

Her mission is to become the Jamie Oliver of brain fitness, making brain health as widely appreciated as nutrition. Jenny believes brain fitness is the greatest disruptor to organisational health by providing a way towards elevating our own personal and professional level of achievement and happiness.

Jenny is an accredited Member of the Professional Speakers Australia and was awarded the Rostrum Arthur Garvey Trophy in 2010 as Speaker of the Year and has written three books "Brain Fit! How Smarter Thinking Can Save Your Brain" and "Brain Smart : How to Regain Focus, Manage Distractions and Achieve More." Her latest is the best seller "Future Brain: The 12 Keys to Create Your Own High-Performance Brain".

She is also a regular columnist for the CEO and Gloss Magazine and has written many featured articles for the press, online and print media for both business and health audiences (6PR 882 news radio and Channel 9 TV).

SUT Technical Meeting | Controls, Renewables and Shipwrecks

The Perth Branch of the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) was formed in 2004. The SUT is a multi-disciplinary learned Society bringing together individuals and organisations with a common interest in underwater technology, ocean science and offshore engineering. It was founded in 1966 and has members from more than 30 countries, including engineers, scientists other professionals and students working in these areas.

  • Wednesday 12th April, 2017 
  • 5.30pm-8.30pm
  • Parmelia Hilton Hotel (Swan Room), Mill St. Perth

Extending The Life Of Obsolete And Unsupported Subsea Control Systems

Michael Lewis, Regional Manager, Subsea Systems, Proserv Offshore Pty Ltd.

Renewable Energy – Disruptive Technology and Changes in the Sector

Eoghan Quinn, Associate, New Energy Advisian

A Tale of Two Industries

Allison Selman, Asset & Integrity Management Business Manager, Atteris

Learn more on SUT's website

Information for WISE Applicants

 Number of places: 3

​Opportunity for: All career levels

Please read the Terms & Conditions before applying.

Applications now closed.

Wed-12-April, Parmelia Hilton. Perth,  5.30pm-8.30pm*