GET WISER with Dr. Jenny Brockis

Join us for the first of our lunchtime seminars.
BYO lunch, attendance is free.

In today’s Wise Lunch Presentation, Dr. Jenny Brockis will enlighten us how to overcome the challenges we face in juggling life and work commitments based on practical neuroscience. We will learn why we think and behave the way we do and understand how we can create more productive, enduring and positive behavioural change. Jenny will show us how we boost mental performance through better thinking, learning and remembering what matters and how to build better brain health and elevating your performance through the understanding of what it takes to create a brain friendly high performance workplace culture.

Are you ready to take your thinking to the next level and enjoy a more balanced and fulfilled life?

Thu. 27 April 2017
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm AWST
CORE Innovation Hub
121 St Georges Terrace
Perth, WA 6000

This event is for WISE Members only, however, joining WISE is free and easy! Just join our LinkedIn Group and you are in!  Sign up now.

About our presenter

Jenny Brockis is an educator, mentor, author and award-winning speaker. She seeks to inspire greater performance by simplifying the complexity of brain science into practical applications that are relevant to everyday life. She is a qualified medical practitioner and has recently completed a post graduate certificate in the Neuroscience of Leadership. As a Medical Practitioner, healthy brain advocate and future mind planner she has long been fascinated by the brain and human behaviour.

Her mission is to become the Jamie Oliver of brain fitness, making brain health as widely appreciated as nutrition. Jenny believes brain fitness is the greatest disruptor to organisational health by providing a way towards elevating our own personal and professional level of achievement and happiness.

Jenny is an accredited Member of the Professional Speakers Australia and was awarded the Rostrum Arthur Garvey Trophy in 2010 as Speaker of the Year and has written three books "Brain Fit! How Smarter Thinking Can Save Your Brain" and "Brain Smart : How to Regain Focus, Manage Distractions and Achieve More." Her latest is the best seller "Future Brain: The 12 Keys to Create Your Own High-Performance Brain".

She is also a regular columnist for the CEO and Gloss Magazine and has written many featured articles for the press, online and print media for both business and health audiences (6PR 882 news radio and Channel 9 TV).

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